atom n. 1.原子。 2.微粒;微量。 chemical atoms 原子。 physical atoms 分子。 have [there is] not an atom of 一点也没有。 break to atoms 粉碎 (The vase was broken to atoms. 花瓶敲得粉碎)。
The following results have been concluded : ( a ) ab initio has its advantages in the calculating of atom cluster containing transition metal , especially in precision and total energy calculations 结果表明: ( 1 )从头计算方法在用于原子簇的计算中有其自身的优势,尤其是在精度和总能量计算方面。
The results show that with the doping of some metal ( such as al ) , the metal elements will exist by the form of atom clusters by adjusting the sputtering parameters . it should sharply increase the intensity of el and not change the luminescence centers 结果表明在硅基薄膜中掺入适量的金属(例如:铝) ,并使其以团簇的形式均匀弥散在薄膜中,有可能既不改变薄膜的发光中心,又可大大提高其发光效率。
Adamas gemological laboratory in brookline , mass . , has developed a spectrophotometer that shines full - spectrum light through a stone and detects specific wavelengths that are absorbed by occasional nitrogen atom clusters , common in natural stones but not in synthetics 美国麻州的爱达玛斯宝石学实验室已研发出一台分光光度计,可发出全光谱的光,穿透宝石后,侦测被氮原子簇吸收的特定波长;氮原子在天然宝石中相当常见,却是合成宝石所没有的。
In the way based the scientific and tecdrical talks on i presided at and panicipated in , the graduation theis included a p1entful thets in recent years wtll be divided into three parts for depiction conxteniently and clearly , according to the content as fo1lowsf ( l ) the study of shock compression properties with the drixtiir - liquid co and n , experimentally ( 2 ) the study of the phenomenon of excess heat produced by deuteriurn atoms entering into the lattice of titaluxn experimentally ( 3 ) the calcujation for the electronic structure and energy of hydrogen atoms cluster ffi . the mainstream in the first part of the paper is to exposure some experimental tecndques in high pressure and high temperatur shock compression physics , including by using a cryo - target cooled down circulating steaxned n , to condense the well - proportioned mixed liquid sample from pure gas co and n = with equal molar voiurne 根据近几年所承担和参加的科研任务,将研究成果总结写成的论文按以下三个部分叙述: ( 1 )液体co和n _ 2混合物冲击压缩特性的实验研究(由国防科技重点实验室基金项目96js75 . 2 . 1 . jw1902资助) ( 2 )重氢原子进入钛晶格中引起过热现象的实验研究(由国家自然科学基金10145002资助) ( 3 )氢原子团簇h _ 9的电子结构与能量计算第一部分以高温高压冲击波物理实验为主,采用自行研制的低温循环汽冷靶冷凝制样技术由高纯co和n _ 2气体获取等摩尔体积均匀混合的液体冲击初态样品。